Thursday, July 10, 2014

Which way home

        We watched a movie this morning. It is called "Which Way home". "Which Way Home" is s feature documentary film that follows unaccompanied child migrants, on their journey through Mexico, as they try to reach the United States. On the way, they suffered hunger,thirstiness, disease, and death. Some children were found in desert, they had been dead.  I sympathized with them and I could understand them, but I never agree with them. I thought they were irresponsible  for themselves and their families. Unfortunately, tragedies go on.


  1. I think this is a sad documentary. I fell really sad not about the immigration but about the parents. I can understand how a father or a mother can send their children alone illegally to another country. I know they live in poverty, but for me this is not an excuse. Sorry, i really don't understand that.

    1. Yes, Diogo, I agree with you. Our parents and us never do like this, But they wanted to change something in their life. Their values are different from ours.

  2. Yeah, I think you are right! Poor children :/

  3. Without being a parent, it is difficult to put yourself in their shoes. And your conversation above is absolutely correct; good job. Parents only want what is best for their children, and that sometimes means making very, very difficult decisions.

    Much of the reason why children travel alone to the United States is because it is in some ways easier for children to enter and stay in the U.S. Generally, it takes longer to deport them (send them back) than it does to deport adults because families must be found for the children. Many times the children remain in the U.S. for many years, perhaps even for the rest of their lives. That is the hope of these parents: that their children will arrive safely and succeed. Good discussion, guys.
