Sunday, July 27, 2014

Change myself

To me, there is the biggest difference between China and US that I become more independent here. I must to arrange all of the affairs in the life. Renting a house, buying a car, buying grocers, paying the utilities, cooking, washing, I must solve all the problems in person. Guess what? I never cooked before I had been here. In China, my families would help me to do many things like I talked about. In fact, I could do anything, but they would like to do anything for me as a habit, and I accepted habitually. I could not tell that it was good or not, but I wanted to change. I did.


  1. Lu, you share this experience with many college students. College is really a time to grow up and become more mature. For those students that live far away from home while attending college, self-reliance is necessary! I'm glad you have adjusted to the change. If you ever have questions about any of it, please ask- I and many others are here to help!

    1. Thank you, Prof. Teri. I like current life, even though it is harder than before. I must become more and more powerful to support myself and protect my family.

  2. I was saying the same things prof. Teri said. This is a good thing in your lives. This opportunity will make us stronger, will make us more wise. It is difficult, it is hard, but we can manage that! In the end we will only see good things! :)

  3. I understand you Lu, it's my first time living by myself, with absolutely no help from my parents. Different from the other Brazilians, I've never lived away from my parents.
    I hope that this experience makes both of us better!

  4. When my parents drove me to college, a terrible thing happened! All of my suitcases were stolen from our car, so I moved to my residence hall with no clothing except for a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Can you imagine how upset I was? My mother had sewn me a beautiful, new wardrobe by hand, and it was ALL GONE! But you know what? I realized then that clothing is not always that important. There are many people in the world who have had worse things happen to them than losing their clothes. I think the experience made me less materialistic.
    Susan HL
